Nasogastric and Nasoenteric: Differences in Enteral Nutrition

Feeding Tubes Nasogastric and Nasoenteric

Not everyone can get food through their mouths. In this case, one option is enteral nutrition, which works with a probe implanted in the stomach, jejunum, or duodenum. In liquid or powder form, the diet is made in this system to balance nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals of the diet.

This feature is widely used by people who needed to be hospitalized and, after some surgical procedure or treatment, can no longer perform the feeding in the conventional way.

For there to be no organic imbalance, weight loss or infections, proper nutrition is critical. Therefore, enteral nutrition is very important to maintain balance and ensure quality of life for patients.

It is necessary to know how to differentiate the use of both types, for cases of drainage of gastric contents, infusion of enteral diets, and until where its lease is carried out.

Gastric lavage is a procedure that aims to prepare the digestive system for examinations or surgeries, stagnate gastric or esophageal bleeding using ice liquids and remove from the stomach excessive or harmful gastric contents. For the accomplishment of this procedure it is necessary initially the passage of a orogastric or nasogastric of great caliber probe.

Although the polling procedure appears to be relatively simple, this technique requires scientific knowledge and technical skill to the extent that it is not risk free. The most common complications are the incorrect insertion, misalignment of the catheter, accidental removal, the type of external fixation, and the length of time the catheter is present, and include excoriations, hyperemias, perforations in the digestive system, infections in the upper and lower airways, nausea, abdominal distension and partial or total catheter obstruction.

Within the nursing team, it is incumbent upon the nurse to perform the procedure of establishing the enteral nutrition route, same way adopted for the gastric lavage procedure, thus, the nursing technician is responsible for:

a) To participate in training, according to established programs, guaranteeing the training and updating regarding the good practices of Nutrition Therapy;

b) Promote general patient care according to the prescribed nursing prescription or protocol;

c) Communicate to the Nurse any intercurrence resulting from Parenteral Nutrition Therapy;

d) Record the actions taken, in the patient’s chart, in a clear, precise and timely manner.



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